Smaller RGB Smart pixels/nodes/bullets


New elf
Nov 19, 2020
Hi All.

In addition to my outdoor setup, I've wanted to put some addressable nodes on my Christmas Tree but the common bullet nodes feel way too big for me to run them through out the tree. I know some folks disagree, and that's fine - it's just a personal preference. Anyway, I'm wondering if there are commonly available smaller pixels? I just measured the circumfrence my nodes and it's ~7.6mm. I'm hoping for something in the 3-5mm range. I assume the typical bullet pixel gets its size and shape from the PCB and chip that the LED is mounted to. Given that there are LEDs that have the controller integrated, I assume that someone would be willing to manufacture them. Also, I've seen something like what I'm taking about on commercial artificial trees (though I don't think the sequencing is directly accessible)

But I haven't been able to find anything. Am I just looking in the wrong places?


Journeyman Elf
Generous elf
Jun 26, 2021
Try looking up seed pixels, pebble pixels, they are a lot smaller and about the size I think you are looking for.


Crazy elf
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 19, 2021
Western Sydney
I bought these three sets just prior to Christmas for my indoor tree. 50 pixels each set with the little USB IR controller on them. I was planning to hook them to a WLED or something but never got around to it.
They cost me $13AUD (~$9USD) from AliExpress. (

The actual pixels are seeds, and the wiring is quite fine; the lens does increase their size a bit, but adds to their "indoor" charm.
Standard bullet pixel for size comparison
These particular ones are known as "Strawberry", "Football" and "Star" shapes respectively.
