What's next? And what is going to take more time than I expect?


Full time elf
Generous elf
Mar 13, 2021
So I've had a fairly large work project that's taken my focus completely off any lighting stuff the last 6 weeks or so. That's now coming to an end - and I'm starting to realize that's it's almost November. This post is part brain-dump, part cry for help.

Here's what I seem to see as my next steps that are all requirements before christmas
* Work out and purchase a FM transmitter
* Ideally have some form of outdoor speaks in the front yard? I'd probably like these to live in the back yard the rest of the year - so something decent and waterproof
* Work out how to mount basically everything - the roof being the main challenge here. Also my special/custom mega trees + floods (aka actual trees).
* finish setting up my new home network. (needed for the permanently mounted dig-quad driving the strips around the roofline - currently not in wifi signal.)
* setup a controller box. (Is it a bad idea to try and setup my f16v4 without the new router/switch/vlan/etc setup?)
* Cables. Cables everywhere. I've realised in the last couple of days that I've kindof underestimated this bit. I'm now starting to guess at what I need - but I'm not sure how to be certain without setting it all up.
* controller box location. How far from my megatree's should I consider having my controller box. Is 6-7 metres OK? Or is that a bad plan? It means more cable runs - but means I can have my box out of the front yard behind a security fence.
* Cameras (also part of the new network build) - have the gear and have run the cables -- need to setup the network hub.

What am I missing? What's going to take up my time in ways that I'm not expecting? How much time do I need?


Year 3 - still keeping it simple
Dec 10, 2017


Full time elf
Dec 28, 2016
Sunshine Coast
If you are looking to buy your FM transmitter now, I just picked up one of these - best price I've seen for a while. It's a CZE-05B.
That''s readlly cheap! They all went over $100 for a while. I have the same one, works really well on low power.


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
@thewanderingpine at the end of the day this is a hobby and should not feel like a job or a chore.
You've got a list of things you'd like to tackle and that's a great start, but don't pressure yourself to ensure all have been completed by a certain date (traditionally Dec 1st but is totally up for debate and your own personal goals.)
Take a step back and figure out what NEEDS to be done first in order for other things to work. EG without cables no lights will be working. If you've ordered an FM transmitter, then speakers are now a low priority, as most visitors will drive up and tune in.
Maybe pick a couple of props that you most definitely want to see completed, work on those as a priority then add other props progressively.
Enjoy it, its a hobby after all :)


Full time elf
Dec 24, 2018
If you are looking to buy your FM transmitter now, I just picked up one of these - best price I've seen for a while. It's a CZE-05B.

Is this really a CZE-05B ? as the brand and model is showing Douk Audio XFDZ021.
Also can't seem to find XFDZ021 on official doukaudio.com website? Wondering if it is a rebrand or knockoff of it.


Full time elf
Generous elf
Mar 13, 2021
I'm travelling at the moment -- but I can take some photos/etc of the one that I ordered from that link on the weekend.


Full time elf
Generous elf
Mar 13, 2021
Is this really a CZE-05B ? as the brand and model is showing Douk Audio XFDZ021.
Also can't seem to find XFDZ021 on official doukaudio.com website? Wondering if it is a rebrand or knockoff of it.
It says CZE-05B on the front of it. Not sure how I could tell if it was a knockoff or not.