Best DLSR camera settings for filming display


Senior elf
Dec 2, 2012
Hi All , I've been trying to video my display but I'm having a problem getting the quality that I see quite a few people get of their displays , any one have any tips for camera settings on a DLSR , mine's a canon EOS 90D but settings should be similar for any DLSR I would have thought


Crazy elf
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 19, 2021
Western Sydney
The main things that come to mind are

- keep the aperture open as wide as possible - This will reduce the depth of field so you may need to adjust a bit to keep everything in focus if you're shooting from close
- iso as low as possible without sacrificing brightness (high iso will make it grainy)
- tripod all the way
- use auto focus to get set initially, and then set to manual. Auto whilst filming will keep changing which is not great, but cannot be beaten for original focus
- once all set, try and disable as much automatic stuff as possible. In video mode this may be a bit more complex, I'm not 100% on the 90D as to what it can/can't do

Keep the brightness down on your display. Too high will oversaturate the sensor and you'll lose colour definition. It'll also blow out in the really bright bits and everything will blend into one. You may need to run a different recording brightness than show brightness, if you're using FPP the brightness plugin may assist here.

Brendan Marks

New elf
Dec 24, 2022
Hi All , I've been trying to video my display but I'm having a problem getting the quality that I see quite a few people get of their displays , any one have any tips for camera settings on a DLSR , mine's a canon EOS 90D but settings should be similar for any DLSR I would have thought


Take a look at this, might be helpful....