Light system beginner tutorial


New elf
Dec 28, 2023
I have been looking, but can't find a basic tutorial for pure beginners. I imagine something that takes you through installing software and make a single pixel flash in time with some music. I would also like a block diagram showing which bit does what, but I can't find that either.
I want to use xlights on my pc and a pi running fpp as the controller (sequencer?), but apart from that I know nothing. I have enough technical knowledge to wire stuff up, so don't want to buy off the shelf electronics.
Does anyone know if such a tutorial exists?


Grandpa Elf
Community project designer
Generous elf
Jun 12, 2010
Victoria Point (Brisbane)
It can seem a bit overwhelming when you start using xlights, but there are many video tutorials.

Type "xlights getting started" into YouTube and you'll find a bunch there.


Crazy elf
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 19, 2021
Western Sydney
I would also like a block diagram showing which bit does what, but I can't find that either.
The 101 Manual goes through all the components and how they piece together.
The technology is a bit dated - it was last updated 2018 - so some of the pixel controllers etc have changed, but the concepts are transferable.



New elf
Dec 28, 2023
I have been through the 101 manual, so I understand all the 'bits' and what they do, but I am not sure I fully understand the whole system, and I get inconsistent descriptions from various people posting 'how to' videos.
I am sure I can eventually work through the xlights videos and work it out, but most seem to copy an existing sequence and make changes. I will keep progressing with this.

Can someone please correct my understanding.
As I get it the pi runs FPP, which takes a sequence generated by another program (say xlights) and the same audio file that was used to generate the sequence (say in xlights), and spits out a serial stream of data in the defined protocol (most seem to use E1.31 for the pi) using the ethernet port, and the audio file out whatever audio port has been selected on the pi. A 'controller' takes the serial stream and turns individual lights on and off at the right time and level.

If a display is only using addressable LEDs (that use WS protocol), can the pi send out the serial stream directly to the LEDs on the GPIO pins?


Crazy elf
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 19, 2021
Western Sydney
As I get it the pi runs FPP, which takes a sequence generated by another program (say xlights) and the same audio file that was used to generate the sequence (say in xlights), and spits out a serial stream of data in the defined protocol (most seem to use E1.31 for the pi) using the ethernet port, and the audio file out whatever audio port has been selected on the pi. A 'controller' takes the serial stream and turns individual lights on and off at the right time and level.
That's correct.
E1.31 is a bit dated, DDP is much more straightforward these days. No universes to worry about. But the concept is the same.

If a display is only using addressable LEDs (that use WS protocol), can the pi send out the serial stream directly to the LEDs on the GPIO pins?
Yes. There are a number of hats that do the level conversions (3.3V to 5V data line) for you.

The rPi-28D+ can drive up to four strings (licensed, or 2 unlicensed)
The Kulp K8-Pi can drive 8 strings natively plus a bunch more via differenial outputs


New elf
Dec 28, 2023
Thank you, and very helpful. If I can impose a little, a couple of hopefully easy questions.
Most hats seem to have an RTC. If I am using a pi with wifi (zero, 3,4,5), can FPP get the time from the internet?
If I design my own hat, it seems I can get a FPP license for free?
If I want a couple of light elements in my display that are single RGB LEDs driven via PWM, what protocol make the most sense to drive them, and does FPP support this protocol on one of the pi GPIO pins too? eg DMX512 seems the simplest.


Crazy elf
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 19, 2021
Western Sydney
Most hats seem to have an RTC. If I am using a pi with wifi (zero, 3,4,5), can FPP get the time from the internet?
Yes it can and will by default, even if it has an RTC installed. It uses NTP to update the RTC.
You can either specify your own NTP server, or by default it'll use the FalconPlayer pool from the NTP pool project.

If I design my own hat, it seems I can get a FPP license for free?
That is my understanding; I have previously used this method:

If I want a couple of light elements in my display that are single RGB LEDs driven via PWM, what protocol make the most sense to drive them, and does FPP support this protocol on one of the pi GPIO pins too? eg DMX512 seems the simplest.
Your best bet might be to use an ESP32 with WLED, I have used this successfully in the past with RGBCCT strip, and some external mosfets. I don't believe (And happy to be corrected) that FPP can do the PWM dimming, it only uses the GPIOs for On/Off state.


Full time elf
Dec 8, 2014
The standard FPP software can drive ws2811 data through two GPIOs. It can use many of the other GPIOs in an on/off method to drive relays.


New elf
Dec 28, 2023
As a follow up, now have a basic system running. Built my own controller based on a design by scott nation that uses DPI mode, got and installed a license from Falcon, learnt some xlights basics and have a song flashing 2 strings of ws2811 leds each with 10 leds in them. Now the real work starts