Nutcracker: What new effects would you like to see?


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
Hi Sean etc.
What I am after is not an effect but rather a setting. On the text tool I'd find it handy if xl4 could be set to "repeat string x times" so that it automatically scrolls through the text x times for the time in which you have selected for an effect. At the moment every time you change the duration of the effect you need to change the speed if you want it to fit in x times and not have any cropping.


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
Another non effect request that should be easy for you gurus to implement.
Is it possible in xl4 for the help/about page to have a clickable link to the release page for those of us who are too lazy to have the release page bookmarked.


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
Yet another non effect request.
I transitioned from 1 laptop to another and installed XL4. For the last hr I spent racking my brain how to add the awesome bars and beats etc timings that I had played with on my other lappy. I even resorted to reading the xlights manual and it was showing stuff that I simply wasn't getting. It was then that I realised that I hadn't installed audacity and queen mary on this laptop. I installed the 2 of them and now I have all my timing options back :)
Is it possible to get a warning/notification popup to say that there are additional timing available if audacity and QM are installed when you are adding timing stuff. These timing marks are 1 of the best features of XL4 and I'd hate to see people missing out or bashing their heads against the wall like I was.

The manuel might need better info than "Note:This component uses the VAMP plugins to generate the timing marks"
Maybe a bit that says that these plugins need to be installed along with audacity.


Apprentice elf
Jul 31, 2013
Hmmmm. I know you can do new timing effects and use the drop down and pick from a small list of qm plugins. I never realized you need software installed on top of xlights. I'm running mostly the Mac build so I wonder if these are cross platform related issues.


New elf
Nov 24, 2016
Not an effect, but functionality.
First off, is there already a way to do this I am not aware of?
If not, I would love a way to be able to trigger different animations with a lighting controller. I will be setting up my pixels predominantly at large scale rave parties, and as cool as the animations and sequences are, they can't be set to the live music.
There are a ton of options I would like to have with this, but mainly, I just want to be able to hit a button on the control board, and trigger a pre-set xLight sequence. I would write the sequences with a 130 BPM metronome, but I would need the ability to speed up and slow down the sequence to match the music. Perhaps a way to grab the BPM live or use a tapper function to set it after selected would be cool as well. I would also like to have generic effects that the lighting designer could cue at dramatic times in the music on the fly.
Having these sequences blows people's minds, but it's almost not worth the effort when the stage lighting fights against an off beat sequence. A live LD would want the control to change brightness, speed, and some other variables during the show.
Thanks :)


New elf
Nov 24, 2016
This year it's going to be a basic xLights animation, or 400 3 minute animations. Would Madrix and Glediator have similar sequencing options for pixel light layouts? I was looking into them, but they cost over $1000 for the version I would need and I already blew the budget on lights lol.


Full time elf
Jan 11, 2016
2 Brook Court , Kidman Park
Hi Sean, Just super impressed with the whole Xlights team and where it is going. So just a very small thought- Over Xmas I was working on about 5 sequences at once and when I opened each one i had a "now where was I up to ?" moment. I know i could use a seperate pc diary but I was wondering if you thought that Xlights could do with, say, a notepad or text entry alongside each sqel file so I can track my latest "where am I up To" or is there already a better way? Cheers Ralph


Full time elf
Oct 23, 2013
Fireworks effect, currently just does the explosion part. Nice to see the fireworks shoot into the air first.


Full time elf
Dec 30, 2013
Eastern Washington
Ralphyf1 said:
Hi Sean, Just super impressed with the whole Xlights team and where it is going. So just a very small thought- Over Xmas I was working on about 5 sequences at once and when I opened each one i had a "now where was I up to ?" moment. I know i could use a seperate pc diary but I was wondering if you thought that Xlights could do with, say, a notepad or text entry alongside each sqel file so I can track my latest "where am I up To" or is there already a better way? Cheers Ralph

You can do "that" now, having a timing line that you change the label with notes in it. E..g make a 20 second long timing mark on a track called where was I. Assign it to a view you like, then you can change the label to a nice long note to yourself :)


Senior elf
Oct 11, 2012
Kellyville, NSW
arw01 said:
Ralphyf1 said:
Hi Sean, Just super impressed with the whole Xlights team and where it is going. So just a very small thought- Over Xmas I was working on about 5 sequences at once and when I opened each one i had a "now where was I up to ?" moment. I know i could use a seperate pc diary but I was wondering if you thought that Xlights could do with, say, a notepad or text entry alongside each sqel file so I can track my latest "where am I up To" or is there already a better way? Cheers Ralph

You can do "that" now, having a timing line that you change the label with notes in it. E..g make a 20 second long timing mark on a track called where was I. Assign it to a view you like, then you can change the label to a nice long note to yourself :)
You can also add notes on effects. Right click menu. To see the notes do a tools export effects.
Aug 23, 2015
sheidow park
ability to implement gaming emulators... i know if sounds a bit weird.

say you have a huge matrix, and you want kids to play tetris on it... I have seen it done with pac-man on a mega tree, but it was an uber special project.

a long shot i know... :)

great stuff so far from all the team.


Senior elf
Oct 11, 2012
Kellyville, NSW
heathwithnoteeth said:
ability to implement gaming emulators... i know if sounds a bit weird.

say you have a huge matrix, and you want kids to play tetris on it... I have seen it done with pac-man on a mega tree, but it was an uber special project.

a long shot i know... :)

great stuff so far from all the team.
Never in XLights. But a standalone program wouldn't be hard.


Apprentice elf
Aug 31, 2014
maryborough victoria
would be good if you had a matrix grid you could make any size and click in the grid to create you own design with out importing models if possible