Ideas on incorporating interactivity?


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
If you're talking connecting to a HE123 on a BBB then that limits the number of IO's as there's 48+ in use.
On the HE123Mk2 I use a few for Oled navigation. P9-17,18,21,22. I also have P8-27 and P9-26 on header pins for user inputs. These 6 IO's are virtually the only remaining pins the the HE123 doesn't use with the exception of some ADC input pins.

The 1k resistor in series with your switches are a good idea. The BBB and BBG have user configurable pullup and pulldown resistors which means that you don't need to have them externally.


Bayrise Lights
Nov 15, 2019
Urangan - Hervey bay
last year i had buttons that trigger a playlist

Great work! Is the two song minimum just a setting in schedule? My ”Thank you for your donation” switch just cycles! And is that just a single pull up Resistor connected to all switches or one on each switch?

Might be a fair bit different for me using a BBB on a controller running FPP

I don’t use Xschedule and rely on FPP and am very happy with the functionality of FPP especially after a few Xlights & FPP updates through this year integrating much better! But seems like much of a muchness!

Really cool job on the buttons and functionality of the whole box!


Bayrise Lights
Nov 15, 2019
Urangan - Hervey bay
If you're talking connecting to a HE123 on a BBB then that limits the number of IO's as there's 48+ in use.
On the HE123Mk2 I use a few for Oled navigation. P9-17,18,21,22. I also have P8-27 and P9-26 on header pins for user inputs. These 6 IO's are virtually the only remaining pins the the HE123 doesn't use with the exception of some ADC input pins.

The 1k resistor in series with your switches are a good idea. The BBB and BBG have user configurable pullup and pulldown resistors which means that you don't need to have them externally.
Ok could a stand-alone R-Pi receive these inputs and some how interface with the HE123? Or do I run a stand alone BBB as FPP?


Full time elf
Nov 17, 2014
Great work! Is the two song minimum just a setting in schedule? My ”Thank you for your donation” switch just cycles! And is that just a single pull up Resistor connected to all switches or one on each switch?

Might be a fair bit different for me using a BBB on a controller running FPP

I don’t use Xschedule and rely on FPP and am very happy with the functionality of FPP especially after a few Xlights & FPP updates through this year integrating much better! But seems like much of a muchness!

Really cool job on the buttons and functionality of the whole box!
I made the minimum song to stop spaming of the buttons by kids.
How it worked was i made a model (1 pixel) in xlights. When the pixel was turned on in the sequence it would output voltage by the 2811dc15 .
The voltage was inputed to the arduino that was used by the buttons and it would disabled the buttons.


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
Ok could a stand-alone R-Pi receive these inputs and some how interface with the HE123? Or do I run a stand alone BBB as FPP?
Depending on what you're wanting to do those 6 inputs could be enough for you. If you wanted more inputs there are 7 analog inputs that you could play with. They aren't in the standard gpio trigger page so to use them you would need some scripts which is above my pay grade.


Bayrise Lights
Nov 15, 2019
Urangan - Hervey bay
Depending on what you're wanting to do those 6 inputs could be enough for you. If you wanted more inputs there are 7 analog inputs that you could play with. They aren't in the standard gpio trigger page so to use them you would need some scripts which is above my pay grade.
Alan I’d want minimum 8 inputs the plan is an interactive big floor piano like in “Big the movie” (Tom hanks) each key play sound and light up a portion and colour of the display I.e the player can make their own song & sequence! The more inputs the more keys!

I cannot code it is not in my vocabulary! Plus the benefit of the digital inputs is the ability to easily switch up what action is intended! Happy to run it own controller for this but how to get it to the pixel outputs?


Full time elf
Generous elf
Nov 26, 2019
Does xschedule work with mqtt topic and payload? I have PCBs made up that can receive 16x digital inputs and outputs to 16x relays. So like your describing a player can jump on a "piano key" and a RPi sees this as a digital input which in turn activates a relay which you could use to light up the key that is pressed and also publish a topic and payload through mqtt to X schedule (if it works this way) which would play a specific sequence assigned to the mqtt topic ??


Bayrise Lights
Nov 15, 2019
Urangan - Hervey bay
A bunch of this stuff was covered in in my VCS talk:


The FPP Arcade plugin can configure various arcade controllers (including the dance-dance mats) and provide the ability to trigger FPP commands. Some of the commands can be used to play simple "games" on FPP overlay models.

View attachment 16071

@dkulp Awesome job mate, although I think it left me more confused based on lack of knowledge. Id be interested in the MIDI hardware set up as I'm running a BBB and my only USB output is taken up with a sound card and any expansion cards used destroy the quality of music! spare my ignorance here because I genuinely have no idea what I'm doing but could I build my Mega Piano as a stand alone unit on its own BBB with each key on a micro switch running to a GPIO input for FPP and if it were in bridge mode with the main BBB/pixel controller could they talk to each other???


Full time elf
Jan 2, 2013
Framingham, MA
Two answers:

1) For the most part, USB2.0 hubs work fine and don't interfere with the audio. You might want to see if you can get a USB 2.0 hub someplace.

2) One of the nice things about the FPP system is that commands don't have to execute on the FPP instance that triggers them. There is a multisync checkbox on every command where you tell FPP to send that command out to the other FPP instances (and can add an IP filter). Thus, you can have a BBB or Pi on wifi out near the street or similar that is handling the input (GPIO, Midi, whatever) and it can act on the Midi events and send the commands off to a different BBB/Pi that actually processes the command.


Bayrise Lights
Nov 15, 2019
Urangan - Hervey bay
If you're talking connecting to a HE123 on a BBB then that limits the number of IO's as there's 48+ in use.
On the HE123Mk2 I use a few for Oled navigation. P9-17,18,21,22. I also have P8-27 and P9-26 on header pins for user inputs. These 6 IO's are virtually the only remaining pins the the HE123 doesn't use with the exception of some ADC input pins.

The 1k resistor in series with your switches are a good idea. The BBB and BBG have user configurable pullup and pulldown resistors which means that you don't need to have them externally.
Two answers:

1) For the most part, USB2.0 hubs work fine and don't interfere with the audio. You might want to see if you can get a USB 2.0 hub someplace.

2) One of the nice things about the FPP system is that commands don't have to execute on the FPP instance that triggers them. There is a multisync checkbox on every command where you tell FPP to send that command out to the other FPP instances (and can add an IP filter). Thus, you can have a BBB or Pi on wifi out near the street or similar that is handling the input (GPIO, Midi, whatever) and it can act on the Midi events and send the commands off to a different BBB/Pi that actually processes the command.

Happy happy days! I think option 2 allows for a much easier to configure and (plug & play) design as well as modular for other possibilities! Thanks for all you do @dkulp


Senior elf
Global moderator
Dec 29, 2015
Got my TouchOsc to work, it was actually fairly easy. Watched the video by Griz again and read through the TouchOsc documentation.

What to do with it though (besides an exercise in can it be done)?
  • Buttons to select songs (a bit like Burnt's project but tablet based), or
  • Buttons to make certain parts of the display change to selected colour
You'd have to have:
  • a tablet (a cheap android one would be sufficient)
  • a tamper proof and waterproof tablet holder
  • be running xScheduler, unless FPP has OSC plugins?


Full time elf
Jan 2, 2013
Framingham, MA
FPP does have a OSC plugin. You can trigger and FPP command via OSC and commands that have variable part (like brightness plugin or volume) can be adjusted with OSC sliders and such.


Full time elf
Aug 9, 2020
I'm going down a different development path. Just ordered the Bare Conductive Touch Board which is an arduino board with midi synth built on.
Going to play with a capacitive giant keyboard design to avoid any UI elements that would need hand or finger input, and to keep it as simple as possible for kids to interact.