Newbie from Arizona, US


New elf
Dec 7, 2023
Finally got tired of putting lights on my roofline and risking life and limb every year doing it poorly. :) I've long wanted to do something with the LED dots/strips/pixels and I decided that's just what I'm going to do (and do it right and well). It certainly won't happen for this year but I've fallen down the rabbit-hole and I feel hooked already and I don't have a single pixel yet! I'm reasonably knowledge about electronics so I'm certainly not afraid to get in the weeds. This forum looks quite spectacular and I thank you for welcoming this Yank into your club.



Journeyman Elf
Generous elf
Jun 26, 2021
Hello and welcome!

There are a bunch of us yanks around here so that is not an issue. If you have not already, give the 101 manual a good read.

The chat room is also a great source of info as someone is usually around to answer a question or two. It might not be immediate but it can get lively.


New elf
Dec 7, 2023
Finally got tired of putting lights on my roofline and risking life and limb every year doing it poorly. :) I've long wanted to do something with the LED dots/strips/pixels and I decided that's just what I'm going to do (and do it right and well). It certainly won't happen for this year but I've fallen down the rabbit-hole and I feel hooked already and I don't have a single pixel yet! I'm reasonably knowledge about electronics so I'm certainly not afraid to get in the weeds. This forum looks quite spectacular and I thank you for welcoming this Yank into your club.

Hey Stick,

AZ caught my eye! LOL! Tucson here. Just completed setup of my first ever show. LOVE IT! Good Luck! It is a labor of love.